Esterer Gießerei

Esterer Gießerei - Production program heat-resistant cast steel

Production program heat-resistant cast steel

Material Material.-Nr.

Rp 0,2



[° C]

Special features and properties /
Application Note
GX30CrSi7 1.4710 - keine Angaben - 750 Starting ovens, stoves, burners, butterfly valves, gate valves, etc.
GX40CrSi13 1.4723 - keine Angaben - 850 Oven parts with low mechanical stress; Hotplates, door frames and more.
GX40CrSi17 1.4740 - keine Angaben - 900 Clamps, mounting brackets, grates and grate bars, spacer plates, etc.
GX160CrSi18 1.4743 - keine Angaben - 900 At higher temperatures especially on wear and abrasion stressed castings
GX40CrSi24 1.4745 - keine Angaben - 1050 Furnace parts of low mechanical stress; Pipe suspensions, pipe support in steam boiler construction
GX40CrSi28 1.4776 - keine Angaben - 1100 Castings with very high wear resistance and low mechanical stress
GX130CrSi29 1.4777 - keine Angaben - 1150 Glrtetorten, burn drums, burner nozzles, stirring arms, chutes, guard ring segments
GX40CrNiSi27-4 1.4823 250 550 3 1100 Furnace parts of higher mechanical stress; Hearth rails, snails, glühetorten
GX25CNiSi20-14 1.4832 230 450 15 900 Parts of high heat resistance; Retorts, annealing and hardening boxes, draw hooks, trays etc.
GX15CrNiSi20-12 1.4828 230 550 - 750 30 1000 For increased mechanical stress; Annealing hoods, pipes, apparatus construction, etc.
GX25CrNiSi18-9 1.4825 230 450 10 950 Oven parts of high heat resistance and highest toughness; Supports, beams, etc.
GX40CrNiSi25-12 1.4837 220 450 6 1050 Furnace parts of high mechanical stress; Hearth inserts, stove rails, etc.
GX15CrNi25-20 1.4840 205 440 - 640 15 1100 Oil and gas plants
GX15CNiSi25-21 1.4841 230 550 - 750 30 1150 Parts with increased mechanical stress; Glulam joints, enamels, heating elements, etc.
GX40CrNiSi25-20 1.4848 220 450 8 1100 Parts for high heat resistance; Transport elements, furnaces, etc.
GX40NiCrSiNb38-19 1.4849 220 420 4 1000 Parts for industrial furnace construction
GX40NiCrSiNb35-26 1.4852 220 440 4 1100 Parts for oil and gas installations
GX40NiCrSi25-26 1.4857 220 440 6 1150 Furnace parts for highest scaling resistance, high temperature resistance and high mechanical stress
GX40NiCrSi38-19 1.4865 220 420 6 1050 Parts with high thermal shock resistance; Delivery grates, carrying racks, shovels, etc.


Mechanical values based on separately cast sample bar.
These values are to be understood as reference values and are therefore not guaranteed properties.

Other materials on request

Reference: DIN EN 10095:1999
  DIN EN 10295:2003
  SEW 535:1976
  Stahlschlüssel Ausgabe 2013; Herausgeber Verlag: Stahlschlüssel Wegst GmbH



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