Esterer Gießerei

Esterer Gießerei - Production program corrosion-resistant cast steel

Production program corrosion-resistant cast steel

Material Material.-No.




Elongation at


HB 30

Special features and properties/
Application Note
GX7CrNiMo12-1 1.4008 440 590 15 170 - 240 Castings exposed to humidity, water and water vapor; Impellers, pump parts, valve parts etc.
GX170Cr18 1.4088 keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben Castings for the food industry
GX20 Cr14 1.4027 440 590 - 790 12 170 - 240 Turbine construction, Pelton wheels, vanes, pump construction, wear rings, etc.
GX17CrNi16-2 1.4057 700 <1050 10 <295 Structural parts of highest strength in the food, soap and acetic acid industry
GX55CrMo14 1.4110 - <950 - <280 Hardening steel for the cutting industry with high wear resistance
GX110CrMoV15 1.4111 keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben Steel for highest cutting hardness, knife blades, disc knife, surgical instruments
GX90CrMoV18 1.4112 keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben <265 Wear parts, perforated discs, balance pans, cutting, professional knives, roller bearings
GX20CrMo13 1.4120 550 750 - 900 14 220 - 280 Turbine blades, poppets, valve seats in hot steam valves for temperatures up to + 500 ° C
GX39CrMo17-1 1.4122 550 750 - 900 12 - Shafts, spindles, bolts, valves, dutch blades, valve parts up to temperatures of approx. + 600 ° C
GX70CrMo29-2 1.4136 - 880 1080 260-330 Fittings and components with high demands on wear resistance and corrosion resistance
GX5CrNi18-10 1.4301 190 500 - 700 45 / 35 <215 Apparatus and equipment of the food industry (weldable, easy to polish and especially deep-drawable, wear-resistant)
GX2CrNi19-11 1.4306 180 460 - 680 45 / 35 <215 Equipment exposed to organic acids and fruit acids and parts in the food, oil, soap and synthetic fiber industries
GX2CrNi18-9 1.4307 175 500 - 700 45 / 35 <215 Household, food, chemical and cellulose industries; Containers, pressure vessels, etc.
GX5CrNi19-10 1.4308 175 440 30 130 - 200 Fittings, pumps, centrifuges, agitators; Parts for the food, dairy, beverage and packaging industries
GX2CrNi19-10 1.4309 185 440 30 130 - 200 Castings with increased resistance to intergranular corrosion, after welding without post-treatment
GX10CrNi18-8 1.4310 195 500 - 750 40 <230 Springs for temperatures up to + 300 ° C; Dutch knives and sheet metal with high strength for vehicle construction
GX10CrNi18-8 1.4312 175 440 - 640 20 150 - 200 Pipes, cans and covers for general engineering and shipbuilding; Fittings, pumps
GX3CrNi13-4 1.4313 je nach Vergütungsstufe je nach Vergütungsstufe   je nach Vergütungsstufe je nach Vergütungsstufe  Pumps, valves, compressors, turbine wheels, components for power plants and reactors
GX4CrNi13-4 1.4317  je nach Vergütungsstufe je nach Vergütungsstufe   je nach Vergütungsstufe je nach Vergütungsstufe  Parts for hydropower engineering; Water turbine casing etc.
GX40CrNi27-4 1.4340 - 440 - 640 - 230 - 300 Wear resistant and corrosion resistant larger and more difficult castings; chemical industry, shipbuilding, etc.
 GX6CrNiN27-4 1.4347 420 590 20 190 - 230 Toughness stressed parts, such as slide and pump housings, press screws and spindles, rifles
 GX5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 200 500 - 700 40 <215 Parts and apparatus of the chemical industry, pulp, paint, oil and textile industry, dairies, breweries
GX2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 200 500 - 700 40 <215  TParts and apparatus of the chemical industry, pulp, paint, oil and textile industry, dairies, breweries
GX4CrNiMo16-5-1 1.4405 540 760 15 240 - 300 Castings with increased strength, toughness and corrosion resistance; Hydro turbines, pumps, etc.
 GX5CrNiMo19-11-2 1.4408 185 440 30 130 - 200 Fittings, pumps, stirrers, filters, containers for the chemical industry; Textile, artificial silk and pulp industry
GX2CrNiMoN17-13-5 1.4439 280 580 35 130 - 200 Chemical industry; resistant at higher CL concentrations and temperatures
GX6CrNiMo24-8-2 1.4463 390 590 - 790 20 170 - 200 Especially suitable for use in seawater
GX40CrNiMo27-5 1.4464 keine Angaben keine Angaben keine Angaben 230 - 300 Castings for combined wear and corrosion stress; Flue gas desulphurisation, chemical industry
GX8CrNiMoAl15-7-2 1.4532 je nach Lieferzustand je nach Lieferzustand je nach Lieferzustand - High resistance to cavitation, wear; Refinder, impact pieces, inlet housing for the paper industry
GX4CrNiCuNb16-4 1.4540 965 >1035 9 280 - 400 Parts for the paper industry, refiner cones, impact pieces, deflaker discs,
GX5CrNiMoNb19-11 1.4552 175 440 25 130 - 200 Food, film, paint, soap, textile, saltpeter, synthetic fiber industry
 GX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 200 500 - 700 40 <215 Apparatus construction and components of the chemical industry, textile industry, cellulose production, dye works, synthetic resin industry
GX5CrNiMoNb19-11-2 1.4581 185 440 25 130 - 200 Fittings, pumps, stirrers, containers for the chemical industry; Paint and rubber industry
GX10CrNiMoNb18-12 1.4583 185 440 - 640 20 130 - 200 Containers for the chemical industry; Textile, rayon and pulp industry; for operating temperatures up to + 400 ° C

Mechanical values based on separately cast sample bar.
These values are to be understood as reference values and are therefore not guaranteed properties.

Other materials on request

Reference: DIN EN 10088:2005
  DIN EN 10283:2010
  SEW 410:1998
  Stahlschlüssel Ausgabe 2013; Herausgeber Verlag: Stahlschlüssel Wegst GmbH



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